Friday, May 26, 2006

New Register Office plans revealed

New Register office plans revealed.

South Tyneside Borough Council is revealing new (amended) plans for the erection of a Register Office in Broughton Road, South Shields, to replace the current old building in Waterloo Vale.

The reserved matter detailed plans show a very modern and altruistic buliding with a lot of glazing, a large wedding room leading to a conservatory and an external garden where pictures can be taken. Thought has even been given to the taking of photographs on wet days, with the inclusion of a suitable canopy. The whole plan looks very enticing, although todays meeting of the Planning Committee will only be able to move the plan one stage further. Additional and more detailed plans for the garden and landscaping have yet to be drawn.

Also being considered at the Planning Committee meeting is a further development to the new Westoe Crown Village. Plans show the development of a "village centre" with a crescent around a central park, 7 retail units, and a small community centre. The preferred developer will be Wimpy. Final building could still be some time away, but again the "whole" concept is very appealing and when complete will be something of a showpiece for a modern social, housing, and community mix.


South Tyneside Council

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