Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Independent thoughts

Independent thoughts?

I can't help but notice that some of our Councillors are making a regular habit of reading this blog as I peruse the Shields Gazette and notice the questions asked about the increase in the Mayoral Allowance. I seem to have posed exactly the same questions here.

My thanks to Cllr. Jane Branley for taking up the cudgel.

Former Mayor John "Woody" Wood tells us how generous he has been by dipping into his own pockets to help every worthy cause or event that he was fortunate to be invited to, and also revealed the necessity for buying new suits (the chain of office is also a matter for concern as it causes numerous dry cleaning bills). However, he isn't a man to be dressed by Armani, and five suits from George, C&A, or Burtons could be had for less than 800 pounds, hardly puts him in the Charles Kennedy league does it?

As I implied before, get the old Mayoral robes and regalia out of storage - you could wear your shell suit and Rockies underneath and nobody would notice!

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