Monday, May 22, 2006

Hutton report

Autographed "Hutton Report" used in Labour fund raiser!

The Labour Party, and the Prime Minister's wife Cherie Blair appear to have plumbed new depths, and displayed an inept, insensitive, and sickening side to their fund raising acivities. Faced with difficulties in raising big finance (without the carrot of a peerage) they have now started to trade in the macabre business of auctioning off, and profiting from, an autographed copy of the Hutton report which looked into the suspiscious death of Dr. David Kelly.

At a time when many are greatly unhappy with our troops involvememnt in Iraq, one must question the wisdom of Cherie Blair and Alastair Campbell in agreeing to take part in such a stunt, which only managed to raise 400 pounds.

Ian Dale reported the sickening tale in his blog today, comments are coming in thick and fast. I'd be very interested in hearing the views of any local Labour politicians about this shameful business.


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