Friday, May 26, 2006

The Board Meeting

The Board Meeting

I'd like to thank those members and "shareholders" who turned up at the Board Meeting last night at The Maltings, in Claypath Lane, South Shields. It was a pleasure to be able to put some faces to names and get to know people on a more individual and intellectual basis. Although numbers weren't great, the company certainly was!

We had hoped for one or two more ex-pats but had to make do with Baldy Smith who only emigrated as far as Chester-Le-Street, Jarrow Pete (self explanatory), and BrianC who emigrated to Wimbledon some many years back, sadly we were without ElaineH who had wished to travel back to South Shields from Florida, however, she has been recently diagnosed as having breast cancer and needs to continue her treatment in the States, we all wish her a healthy recovery. One other lady who was able to attend was CJ; now she is not a Shields lass at all, she is a cockney who a met a Shields lad in "the smoke" came up here for a visit to see what his home town looked like, loved it that much that she decided to stay! Ah, a convert.

Special thanks for gracing our meeting also go to Big Ry and Jimmy Whizz who run the South-Shields Sanddancers website, and who generously gave me the space to run the Curly's Cornershop Message Board, it was nice to see young Ry who seems to have shied away from previous meets. The Shields journalist Muzzychuck missed an ideal opportunity to find out who he chats to online, and possibly the seed of a good story, hard lines mate.

We met in The Maltings, owned and operated by Jeff McConnell of The Jarrow Brewerey, they also run The Robin Hood, we had developed a taste for his beers at previous board meetings, and they offer a selection of fine ales with interesting local names;

  • Jarrow Bitter
  • Rivet Catcher
  • Red Ellen
  • Bede's Ale

The trouble is with these microbreweries offering "real ale" is that they taste so good and slip down the throat so easily, that a great deal of caution is required to assure a steady walk home!

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Born in 1956
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Former Borough Councillor
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