Monday, April 24, 2006


Mosquito to curb yobbish behaviour?

Councillors seem to be facing calls almost on a daily basis about youths hanging around Metro stations, outside of off-licence shops, and street corners, asking that something be done! Well, other than liaising with the local police, schools, community groups, and parents, they seem to be at a loss (and at this early stage we don't want to go down the route of ASBO orders.)
So I was impressed to read of this device which may provide an answer.

The Mosquito emits a high frequency constant tone which gets on the nerves of youngsters and quickly encourages them to move on. Amazingly we older folks can't hear it at all, it seems that after we pass the age of twenty most of us lose the ability to hear sounds in the range 18 to 20 khz.

A story in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle describes the experiences of a group of youngsters in the vacinity of a Mosquito, and it certainly appears as though it will work. North Tyneside Area Command of Northumbria Police have bought some of the devices and will use them in a summer campaign against boozed up youngsters.

I would kindly ask our Councillors (and those about to join their ranks) to closely follow this campaign and give consideration, through the Area Forums, to using the Mosquito in appropriate places here in South Shields.


Newcastle Evening Chronicle


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