Saturday, April 08, 2006

Local Elections, BNP

Racist party seeks votes in South Shields

It takes only ten signatures to nominate a candidate, here's hoping two candidates fail to get any more than ten votes each!

As part of South Tyneside Council's e-services to the public, the mini website for the local elections is quite informative, for example, you can view a full list of candidates for each and every ward and it reveals some shocks and surprises.

Whist the Shields Gazette has ran a series of articles on the candidates of the two main parties recently (Labour and the Independent Alliance) they have not touched upon the fact that The British National Party is to field a couple of candidates in the Biddick and All Saints Ward and the Beacon and Bents Ward. Perhaps the Gazette is taking a public spirited stance NOT to give any publicity to these pseudo nazis.

I find it particularly alarming that they should find a Jimmy Hill to contest Beacon and Bents ward with it's large ethnic minority and concentration of Asian cuisine restaurants in Ocean Road, such a move must surely have been planned to cause the utmost provocation (I hope Mr. Hill has the chin of his namesake, he may need it!) Just to add to their characteristic national socialist undertones they have managed to unearth a Herr Schmidt to fly their rotten flag in Biddick and All Saints. I hope he does not resemble his party leader Nick Griffin (pictured) who even models his hairstyle on an Austrian of ill repute who became Chancellor of Germany.

In the Horsley Hill ward Mervyn Carl William Owen is standing as an Independent, I wonder, is he at all related to the former Cllr. William Owen who had a newsagent/sweetshop in Frederick Street many years ago? He too once stood for election to Parliament under a fascist banner, it marked the rather hasty end to his political career!

The election in the Simonside and Rekendyke ward may well turn up some surprises, battling for votes will be Anthony Dailly and Anthony Davey, one for the Conservatives and the other for the Progressives. With two such remarkably similar sounding and similarly spelt names there will be some confusion for the electors, many of whom may end up putting their cross against the name of the wrong man!

Despite their claims to fame as good grass roots politicians, the Liberal Democrats have failed to find candidates for six wards, four of which are in South Shields, how can they be expected to be taken seriously?

Finally, in Hebburn South, Malcolm MacDonald (Hardy) describes himself as Independent rather than a straightforward (no. 9) - funny old game! :)


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