Monday, April 03, 2006


Update - Northumbrian Water

Work is now progressing at a fast pace as contractors Lumsdale and Carroll appear to be looking to finish the work on time and present Northumbrian Water with a well engineered "tank", which will deal with the excess rain and floodwater that has troubled residents in the Brinkburn area for many years.

A huge hole had been excavated at the Brinkburn recreation ground just below Mortimer School and a concrete tank had been constructed. The volume of water that it is designed to hold would be equivalent to the amount of water in six Olympic sized swimming pools. The intention is that this water be stored and slowly released into the drainage sytem, thus alleviating the problems that are regularly experienced in Ullswater Gardens.

The tank was built with a large number of separated areas inside to facilitate this slow release, and now that the "lid" has been fitted, it will onlt be a short time before reinstatement work begins. Local football teams will be able to make use of the football pitches at Brinkburn once again. The earth will cover over the tank, all be it at a slightly higher level, and over the course of time we will forget all about the civil engineering works underneath.

It has left a good impression watching this piece of work gradually come together, and I feel confident that localised flooding in this area will become a feature of the past.


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