Wednesday, March 15, 2006

St. George's Day

Time to vote!

First off I must explain my absence, I have dragged myself from my sick bed to make this post. I arrived at the Corner Shop at 05.45 this morning having been awake for the whole of the previous 24 hours, suffering with a sudden heavy cold, or influenza. I managed to put six hours of my labour in before deciding it was time to retire to my bed. A few large infusions of hot lemon and paracetamol were taken to ease the symptoms, but as yet to no avail.

I'm sure St. George would not have allowed a small illness to stand in his way! On my excursion to the local supermarket to buy medical supplies, I noticed, to my chagrin, that once again there is a large promotion for Guiness and special events to mark St. Patrick's Day. It always annoys me that we allow commercial organisations to call the tune over "national" days. Our own national day, St. George's Day on April 23rd. just doesn't seem to get a look in!

For some time our Members of Parliament have been casting around for another day to be designated as a Bank Holiday, and I think St. George's Day would provide the ideal opportunity. I'm not the only one, there is now an orchestrated campaign which has enlisted the support of Ian "Beefy" Botham, and they are gathering votes and organising petitions to influence MPs.

Winston Churchill wrote
"There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word,
which means more to me than any other.
That word is ENGLAND.

Why not cast your vote too?


St. George's Day.Com

You might be interested to know that the Northern Regional TUC are having a St Georges Day march in Newcastle. Will post full details when available
Thanks for that, look forward to learning more!

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