Monday, March 06, 2006

Milibands reply

Miliband understands frustration!

This reply just in from the office of David Miliband MP, in reply to my post regarding the financial fiasco over free public transport for pensioners:

"I understand the frustration about the uncertainty regarding the future of the fares schemes for pensioners and students. The Government has allocated £350million nationwide for this scheme - a considerable sum. In Tyne & Wear there are some particular issues relating to the impact of high usage of buses by pensioners that are still under discussion between Nexus and the Government.

I appreciate that this causes uncertainty but both sides are working for a viable outcome."

David Miliband.

As Cabinet Minister for Local Government and Communities, David is bound by Cabinet conventions which restrict his ability to intervene on matters relating to his department and it's spending plans within his constituency. However, because this issue affects a number of constituencies across Tyne and Wear, I am assured that other MPs are pressing the government to come up with a workable solution.


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