Monday, March 20, 2006

Miliband and murder case.

Miliband presses for murder case answers

Cabinet Minister, and South Shields MP David Miliband has joined in the campaign pressing for serious answers in the Aaron O'Neil murder case. The 92 day old baby was brutally killed by his father Paul who was sentenced to life imprisonment in February, the child's mother was sentenced to three and a half years for neglect, gruesome details were revealed in court which showed that Paul O'Neil had held his son's face up against the front of a burning gas fire.

Joining David Miliband in the quest for answers was Newcastle Cllr. Ian Proud, (pictured above) a former workmate of mine in South Shields. He is also a former member of Jarrow Conservative Party. He is also a former candidate for the Liberal Party. He is now a Labour Councillor! Not so much a turncoat, but more of a chameleon character. Draw your own conclusions on Mr. Proud's ambitions.


Newcastle Evening Chronicle


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