Thursday, March 02, 2006

Alliance Strategy

Absent Friends?

I made a point a few weeks ago in this blog that the newly formed Independent Alliance opposotion group on the Council needed to formulate 13 basic policies or srategies to match the thirteen candidates who will be standing under their banner in the May elections.

I also made the point, and I reiterate it here, that I feared the old South Shields Progressive Association was in grave danger of losing it's identity within the confines of this marriage of convenience. I see no reason to alter my views as we read of more and more former members of the Labour Party gaining prominence within the Alliance.

One of the leading figures within the Alliance has come under fire for having an abysmal attendance record at committee and full Council meetings. Cllr. Allen Branley replied to the criticism by saying

"I have chosen a strategy to attend meetings where I feel I can make a difference and raise issues , such as proposing the Alliance budget amendment last week"

Regular readers will recall, that whilst the Alliance made a headline grabbing bid to freeze Council Tax, it made no difference at all. The Labour group had it's way and voted for an increase!

So, will this "absentee strategy" become a regular feature of future Alliance Councillors? Staying away from meetings is sure to save our money, and may indeed bring us a Council Tax freeze next year!

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