Friday, January 20, 2006

Trow Quarry row


A new row has broken out over whether Trow Quarry is now safe for people to use.
South Tyneside Council and the National Trust insist the South Shields beauty spot poses no risk to the public, but environmental group Friends of the Earth (FoE) today demanded to see the evidence.
It follows the employment tribunal success of National Trust warden Peter Collins, who was sacked for talking to the Gazette about a controversial report into toxins discovered at the site, including asbestos and cyanide.


Shields Gazette

It must be remembered of course that the Friends of the Earth local group led by Bryan Atkinson (I wonder if he's related to Lewis?) intended to be part of the special scrutiny commission set up by the Council to consider the safety of Trow Quarry. However, because they claimed that the Council was unable to furnish them with a requisite amount of information within a reasonable time, they felt that they had to withdraw. Hence the scrutiny commission had a comfortable ride as it considered the Trow Quarry issue and the related Coastal management Plan without the input of one of the most specialised and interested bodies in the Borough.

One of the most frightening aspects of the whole saga is the apparent inability of The National Trust to even appear to be seriously concerned about public safety. Yes, they have erected new warning notices, yes, they may well be using the services of specialists to monitor the site, but unfortunately the public can still clamber around on the beach at Graham Sands and pick up and handle any debris they wish that has fallen from the eroded sea facing edge of the former landfill.

When the weather improves as we move into spring, there will be children playing there; critical receptors, in an uncontained contaminated environment free to wander as they please.

If anyone wishes, like Friends of the Earth, to see the evidence, just take a walk behind Trow Rocks down the steps and on to Graham Sands, the exposed face is on your right as you look south.

This..... is something to worry about!


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