Friday, January 20, 2006

Stan Smith

Stan Smith

I am sorry to report that my old friend and Council colleague Stan Smith is in poor shape after suffering a stroke on Monday of this week.

Stan and his twin George have made a massive contribution to the community with their political involvement over the course of many years in South Shields. They are both possessed of a sharp brain, acerbic wit, and gregarious humour and like nothing better than a good old chin-wag!

Stan was Chairman of the Progressive group of Councillors when I was elected in 1980 and has been an indefatigable supporter of many local groups with important issues in recent times. His most recent campaigns have included the fight against the proposed "super school" originally planned for Temple Memorial park, and the proposed building of the second Tyne Tunnel (where he strongly champions the fight against increased tolls.)

Both Stan and his brother George were leading members of the old South Shields Borough Council before joining South Tyneside District Council, George also served on the old Tyne and Wear County Council where he was Deputy Leader of the Conservative group. I first met Stan when he stood for election as the Parliamentary candidate for the Conservative Party in the General Election in February 1974 when he polled almost 19,000 votes, proving how successful a local man could be, he fought under the slogan "Stan's the man!" Stan stood again in the October General Election of that year.

I'm sure that my regular readers would like to join me in wishing Stan as full a recovery as possible, and my thoughts and prayers go to him, his wife, and his son.


Stan's website
General Election result February 1974


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Former Borough Councillor
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