Friday, January 20, 2006

Me a candidate

Flattery gets you nowhere!

It has been fascinating and instructional to witness the growing popularity of this blog within the political circles in South Tyneside, and I know from private conversations with members of all political parties that it is well read and spoken about.

Perhaps, as a result of my comments here and my forays into the Letters to the Editor page in the local newspaper this past year, my own profile has been "accidentally" raised. So much so that I have been approached twice in the last month by leading members of two political parties outlining their intentions of seeking a "strong" candidate to represent them at the elections in May, and perhaps I might just be the person they are looking for. There are still two other parties who may like to find a "strong" local candidate and I might well be your man! You only need to ask!

However, flattery gets you nowhere, and as I have sadly indicated to the two who have approached me, I cannot be available for any election campaign this year because of the personal committment and care that needs to be given to my mother as she fights against the ravages of her dreadful illness. I am very grateful for the interest shown, but the reality is that other priorities are governing my life right now. Perhaps things may be a little different in 2007.

p.s. I suspect that one of the members of Curly's Corner Shop Message Board may be running for the Progressive/Alliance in May's election, could that be you Roadrunner?


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Born in 1956
Sunderland fan
Former Borough Councillor
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south-shields AT
blueyonder DOT co DOT uk

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