Sunday, January 08, 2006

George Wilkinson

Blow for Alliance

I am a little saddened at the lack of a real strategy from the newly formed Progressive/Independent Alliance for this year's forthcoming local government election. One might have hoped, that having failed to persuade either the Liberal Democrats or Conservatives to join the Alliance, that they would have come to some agreement with those parties over which seats to fight. The greatest gift and advantage given to Labour in this Borough is the fielding of two or three opposition candidates in each seat. This effectively splits and dilutes the voice of the opposition.

In a two horse race
one can imagine a few Labour seats being lost, but it looks as though the opportunity to inflict this damage will not occur. The Conservatives in South Shields have announced that veteran George Wilkinson will fight the Westoe ward. George is former Progressive colleague of mine, and whilst he has a good record of reducing Labour majorities, and was an effective Councillor, his addition to the list of Candidates for Westoe will only galvanise Labour as it attempts to take the seat from the Independents.

A few backroom conversations and agrements between the parties would have ensured that they do not field candidates against each other. We have had these discussions before, but alas they have come to nought. For the sake of the Borough, it is high time for the opposition parties to get their acts together!

I understand that the Alliance held interviews last week for prospective candidates and that an announcement can be expected soon over who will be their candidates in May.


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