Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Colliery closed

Colliery closed by police!

Police in South Shields have closed the Colliery Hotel in Boldon Lane because of disorderly behaviour by customers. At a hearing yesterday South Tyneside magistrates ordered it must stay shut, the first such ruling since the new Licensing Act came into force last month.

The decision will now be reviewed within 28 days by a licensing committee at South Tyneside Council. - Read more

This illustrates just how well the new licensing arrangements will be working in the future, working in the best interests of the local community. The scaremongering that went on when the new licensing laws were introduced has beeen proven to be terribly wrong. After only a couple of weeks we have not experienced ANY large scale disturbances or widespread incidents of disorderly behaviour as a result of longer drinking hours. There has not been a wholesale move towards 24 hour licenses either (apart from a few supermarkets). Once the novelty has worn off the police will undoubtedly find that staggered closing times will have a beneficial effect within our town centres, and their jobs will become easier and shift patterns will not need to be altered.

The checks and balances planned into the licensing arrangements give police and local authorities enormous latitude and flexibility in the decison making, therefore residents living near high density entertainment areas will be adequately protected. These reforms were well overdue.


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