Sunday, November 06, 2005


Truant's parents to face fines

Headmaster Jimmy to give them a caning!

Parents of pupils who persistently pass up on their education by playing "hookey" will now face the wrath of Headmaster Jimmy Foreman. Failure to send your children to school will result in a strongly worded letter from the Education Authority, a second "offence" will result in an even stronger letter warning of the possibility of a fine, failure to comply with this will result in "six of the best".......oops! sorry, I meant a fine of GBP 50.00. If this fine is not paid within 28 days it will be doubled. - Read more here

Coun Jim Foreman, the Council's Lead Member for Lifelong Learning and Leisure, said:

"The overall picture is one of improving school attendance.
It is particularly pleasing to note the significant improvement recorded by those schools that in the previous academic year recorded the poorest attendance.
Our aim this year is to continue this forward momentum, build on the improvements shown across the authority as a whole and to ensure that all our young people are engaged"

Considering that the parents of most of those who "play the nick" don't have two pennies to rub together, I wonder how difficult it might prove to collect the fines? Best make sure that the letter has a picture of Cllr. Foreman on it, that should frighten the little beggars into going back! After all, if they aren't going to school, it's unlikely that they'll read the Gazette, so they won't be able to see the headmaster's face staring at them every night!!

(Who writes Jimmy's scripts for him? He can never manage to orate in this fashion after three pints and a game of fives and threes - like the best headmasters he knows his maths!)


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