Sunday, November 13, 2005

Remembrance Sunday 2

Deputy Mayor leads Civic act of Remembrance

On a very bright but chilly Sunday morning deputy Mayor Cllr. Ed Malcolm led the town's civic Remembrance Sunday ceremony after a parade from the Town Hall up the hill to Westoe Cenotaph.

A large crowd was assembled to view a diminishing group of distinguished ex-servicemen resplendent in their berets and medal boards, men and women who had served their country in times of conflicts such as the Second World War, the Korean War, the Falklands War, and the first Gulf War. The South Tyneside Pipe and Drum band led the parade followed by a troop from the Territorial Army base in Northfield Gardens and representatives from our other uniformed training services, T.S. Collingwood Sea Cadets, the Air Training Corps and the St. John Ambulance service.

The Reverend Glynn Lister conducted the service of Remembrance and the Salvation Army band provided the music for the hymns. Most unfortunately there was a technical problem with the radio microphones and p.a. system which produced nothing but loud screeching and crackling noises; the Council technician charged with overseeing the system had arrived at the same time as myself, to the sound of the bagpipes approaching what used to be Westoe Bridges, leaving him no time to run any sound checks. It was rather embarassing, we were unable to hear the Reverend Lister but knew exactly the importance and sentiment of the occasion.

Further drama ensued when one of the girls of the Air Training Corps suffered a faint as we all stood motionless during the two minutes silence, she was quickly attended to and was fit enough to rejoin her colleagues at the end of the ceremony.

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Curly would like to express his special thanks and appreciation to Cllr. Ed Malcolm for an unconnected matter.


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