Sunday, November 06, 2005

Redhead's Landing

Redhead's Landing - it's place in art

I have just had a visit from a gentleman in South Shields who has often used Redhead's Landing over the years, with a group of friends, as a point to photograph shipping in the Tyne. He has given me photocopies of letters which have been sent to South Tyneside Council protesting about the locking of the pedestrian access gate, and pleading for it's reopening. I wonder what our Council is doing to help restore access here, anything or nothing at all?
It surprises me from how far and wide people visit Redhead's Landing to access the river, some of these letter writers come from as far as Sedgefield and Ashington!

Redhead's Landing has also been used by the celebrated South Shields artist Ron Thornton, whose book "The River Tyne from Sea to Source" includes a watercolour which he painted at the landing.
By continuing to lock the pedestrian access gate we will deprive people of such artistic merit from the opportunity of expressing their feelings of this great river which serves us all.

Here is Ron's picture - click to enlarge

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