Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Eilleen Leask

Eilleen baubles for Ron?

Meanwhile Cllr. Eilleen Leask had a rare photo opportunity when she appeared on the front page of todays Shields Gazette, she is one of those Councillors who perhaps work quietly and efficiently amongst their communities without seeking much publicity for their efforts or, more unkindly, is seen as voting fodder by the ruling Labour Group.

She is also fondly remembered by the writer of this blog as being particularly unhelpful at the time of the Trow Quarry and Temple Park protests when she said
"Do not email me, I will not reply"
Today she is promoting the use of a Christmas Tree for the Horsley Hill Residents Association where people will be able to hang a bauble to remember a lossed relative or friend. I salute this, it's a fine, novel idea, particularly for those who have lossed loved ones near the Christmas period over recent years.

Cllr. Leask is pictured perhaps saying a fond farewell to Ron Reynolds

Click thumbnail to enlarge

Coun Leask said: "I think it's a wonderful idea and a special way in which residents are able to pay tribute to their loved ones, who are no longer here to share this special time of year."- Read more here.

Just remember folks, it's all "tongue in cheek"


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