Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Council Tax Inspectors

Valuation inspectors set to invade your privacy!

Council tax inspectors will be able to enter people's homes and take photographs even of their bedrooms, it emerged yesterday.

Whitehall documents reveal that they will be allowed to "obtain factual information from internal inspections" as part of the enormous exercise to revalue 22 million properties in England.

Anybody who believes that Labour renounced socialism in the late 1990s should consider the Government's plans for council tax. It is true that Tony Blair's greatest triumph has been to persuade the British electorate that his party has mended its ways under his leadership. Labour, Mr Blair would have us believe, is no longer the enemy of enterprise and private property, no longer the champion of the state against the individual. One glance at the Council Tax (New Valuation Lists for England) Bill, now before Parliament, should show how very far from the truth that picture is. - Read more here


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