Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Blair defeated on anti-terror

Blair defeated on Anti-Terror Bill

Tony Blair has suffered his first major defeat in the House of Commons since becoming Prime Minister. Labour MPs turned against their leader in a show of strength for democracy and liberty when they joined The Opposition in defeating the government's proposal to hold suspects for ninety days without charge under new anti-terror laws.

This clause in the Bill was recently defeated by a single vote in the House of Commons, yet despite a couple of concessions by the Prime Minister, and an enforced turnout by Cabinet Ministers, the vote was lost by a majority of 31, with 49 Labour MPs voting against the Treasury Bench.
Read more - here.

The following are comments from the Curly's Corner Shop Message Board

Surely it isn't right to detain anyone for this length of time without charge. I think it's a terrible attack on one's liberty. Suppose at the end of ninety days you are released without charge? In the meantime, you will probably have lost your job and livelihood. Suppose I tell the police that my neighbours are behaving in a suspicious manner, and that they are muslim, they could be at risk of a long detention for virtually no reason (the police are very nervous and jumpy about anything islamic at the moment). Just think how the local muslim community might react against me, the police, or the state - it is likely to produce even more terror!

Surely if the police have any reasons or suspicions strong enough to make an arrest, then a charge must follow in a reasonable period of time. I'm sure that, even while investigations continue, a "holding" charge can be laid with the possibilities of further charges to follow. There are adequate provisions within our law to deal with those suspected of planning a crime (conspiracy to comitt acts etc.) there really is no need to start introducing a draconian police state type of measure.

My greatest worry about this bill, is the fact that it has been almost "sponsored" by the police and the secret intelligence services. They should be spending their time applying the laws given by the people, and not drafting new laws to help themselves in the job given to them by parliament. This new bill would pave the way for some very grave injustices and would have been lauded by the likes of Beria, Malenkov, and Stalin.

With this bill we are talking about people (any people, not just terrorists) being held wthout charge for "questioning" for ninety days. This is unjust, and not necessary. We have plenty adequate laws to hold peole after a charge (virtually any charge) has been laid against them.

We also have a "shoot to kill" policy in place!


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