Monday, October 24, 2005

Tyne Dock Flood

Tyne Dock floods again!

It rained in South Shields today, not terribly heavily, but persistent, certainly nothing like the rain that is falling in Florida as a result of Hurricane Wilma. but rain it did. Guess what? There was a flood at Tyne Dock, at Kennedy's Bar to be precise, the very area that Northumbrian Water promised would be improved as a result of removing tonnes of silt from the network of drains and installing new pumps at an installation in Jarrow Road. The people in Armstrong Terrace were much relieved to read Northumbrian Water's announcement a month ago, as was Mr. Fitzmaurice the licensee of the public house. They aren't so happy now! This is the second flood since that prophetic statement and yet, as the photographic evidence shows, things are still not working, water is still not draining (or being pumped) away. Talk about testing the patience!
Work has now started at Brinkburn Recreation Ground, where contractors for Northumbrian Water have started the task of digging a very large hole, which will then house a massive underground tank. This tank will store the excess rainwater that regularly floods Ullswater Gardens, it will then slowly drain away towards the Tyne Dock area, I only hope that as work progresses the spoil does not wash into the drainage system and lie there blocking the pipework at Tyne Dock again. I had asked Northumbrian Water if the stored rainwater at Brinkburn could be recycled and made available to the Allotments Association as a community initiative with environmental bonuses. Unfortunately they told me that such a task would be too difficult - too difficult to run a pipe over a distance of twenty yards??

Further pictures of the flooding at Kennedy's Bar - click to enlarge

It's high time for our Councillors and MP to start asking some very searching and probing questions of our water supplier in order get some positive action that will eradicate this ridiculous flooding at Tyne Dock - over to you guys!


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