Monday, October 10, 2005

Laygate development

New development promised for Laygate

A new development has been promised for Laygate following the recent demolition of the old Maxifreeze store. It is billed as being "ambitious and exciting", - read more

Don't hold your breath folks, Council officials have had "ambitions of painting five yards of yellow lines and erecting a small sign, since I first raised the issue five months ago in May!
We still have to drive our cars on the WRONG side of the road and into the path of oncoming vehicles to negotiate this corner! Pedestrians still cross the road with trepidation.
If we can't get the little jobs sorted in good time, then what chance for the larger projects? ("Superschools", "Horrible History Theme Parks", Trow Quarry, Tyne Dock Floodings etc. all come to mind as projects that take at least two years or more to sort out.)

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