Thursday, October 06, 2005

Conservative leadership

"Britain needs the smack of firm government"

I have asked our local Conservatives for their views on the leadership contenders for their party and the comments have started to come in to Curly's Corner Shop.

"We're really very fortunate in the Conservative Party in that we have such a rich pool of very talented politicians from which to select a leader. All of the candidates are of the very highest caliber, and whoever we get will be good news for Britain"

"Some question Ken Clarke's stance on Europe. To me that seems irrelevant. Europe is now well and truely on the backburner, the constitution is dead and there is not a cat in hell's chance of us joining the Euro within the next 10-15 years."

"Some would say that David Davis may move the Party to the right and this could be a mistake. However, it is important that we do not forget what we stand for. We are, traditionally, a centre-right party and I believe we should remain so. Britain, once again, needs, and is ready for, the smack of firm Government."

"In short they're all sound men with strong attributes, but if you're asking
me who my personal choice is, well I'm afraid at this stage I will have to
adopt the tone of the great Francis Urqhart and say; I couldn't possibly

Cllr. David Potts.

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