Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cabinet agrees England smoke ban

Cabinet agrees England smoke ban

I'm rather pleased that Bliar's government has agreed to stick to the policy as written in it's last manifesto, at least those of us fortunate to be members of a private club can still enjoy a fag and a pint!

These moves towards compulsion rather than persuasion really do stick in the craw! I'm not belittling the efforts to improve the nation's health and reduce the burdons placed upon the National Health Service, but it really is time that the government started treating us all as adults instead of "naughty children".

Where is the element of choice going? Surely I am big enough to decide whether or not to stand in the same room as a smoker? Surely I am big enough to decide to use (or stay away from) establishments which would allow (or prohibit) smoking? Surely I am big enough to take this type of decision for myself, instead of someone else taking it for me?

Where will this government (and it's successors) find the missing GBP millions of revenue, if, as a nation, we all give up smoking? Will they reduce the NHS budget, because they won't need to be treating tobacco related illnesses? I have my doubts.


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