Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Age Concern

An ambitious and exciting proposal

It's difficult to know what to expect when the Council's "spinning machine" provides headlines such as this, Cllr. Eddie McAtominey talking about the former Maxifreeze site on the corner of Laygate stated

"An ambitious and exciting proposal for the site, which is not retail, has been put to the council and discussions have started with the potential occupier of the site."

The Shields Gazette report noted that the exact details are being kept under wraps, but council chiefs have confirmed the proposal is for non-retail use that will complement the regeneration of the Frederick Street area.

Curly's Corner Shop has learned through network contacts in the voluntary sector that the potential occupier of the site is set to be Age Concern, whose local headquarters are currently in Beach Road.
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A spokeswoman for Age Concern today refused to deny that plans exist to relocate to the new site made available at Laygate, but did confirm that they are not releasing much in the way of details at present as "plans are very much in the formative stages". She also confirmed that the current building which they rent in Beach road is no longer large enough to cater for all of the services which they would like to provide. A move to a new site at Laygate, pictured here
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would enable them to expand their range of services to include the likes of legal advice, debt advice, community outreach workers, and in-house advisors.

The Council statement alludes to the fact that this development would fit well with, and enhance the Frederick Street regeneration programme, something which once again is long overdue and is taking far too long to come to fruition. I lived nearby in John Williamson Street until 1972 and I have witnessed very little in the way of updating this once busy shopping area in the past 32 years, other than giving a coat of paint to the uppers of the shops. This in itself can be seen as a factual and concrete measure of our Council's progress over the years.
If I refer to old, outdated, run down, in poor state health, I am not referring to Age Concern and it's clients, I am referring to this area which once housed a vibrant and strong community.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I think those who composed the words for the Council's "spinning machine" should try and find some more appropriate metaphors for this development!


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