Wednesday, September 28, 2005

School Meals

Junk food to be junked!

Education Secretary Ruth Kelly has announced at the Labour Party Conference that foods high in salt, fats, and sugars are to be banned from school meals and vending machines - read more

This move is most welcome, particularly for schools outside of this borough; I often turn up to collect Junior Curly from his primary school at 3.30 p.m. and I was recently looking at the planned menus for school meals posted on the notice board. It was far different from that of a couple of years ago, the turkey twizzlers, burgers, chicken nuggets etc. have all gone and in their place is a varied menu of freshly prepared fare including pastas and salads, vegetarian dishes, curries, and a good selection of vegetables each day. I recall, as a youngster, that frozen foods were unheard of, as were processed foodstuffs, and it's great to see these attitudes returning in South Shields schools.


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