Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Redhead's Landing

Redhead's Landing - Deeds to be examined.

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In an interesting little story this evening in the Shields Gazette, I learn that a Mr. Michael McRae is also campaigning for public access to Redhead's Landing, and he appears to be making some useful progress after a face to face meeting with Council Leader Paul Waggott. Cllr. Waggott has promised to investigate several issues that Mr. McRae has raised, but the most interesting part of the Gazette's report states that the deeds to the site, dating from 1930, are to be examined in the vaults of South Shields Town Hall.
For many months we have been informed that the Council is not the owner of the land, so I am a little puzzled that the deeds are held at the Town Hall (held on behalf of someone else perhaps?). It will all come out in the wash, perhaps we may also gain an insight as to why Councillors in the past decided that- when giving planning permission for the gates a condition be applied that enforces the right of the public to have access at all times through the provision of an unlocked pedestrian gate. Perhaps the deeds may help to explain this.
I am a tad upset that despite assurances from Cllr. Waggott that I would be kept informed of all developments in this saga, he appears to have forgotten to let me in on this little secret about the deeds!
I will try to get in touch with Mr. McRae, and perhaps, together, we can really help this Council come to a decision to restore public access and see this gate once again reopened.

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This issue, although of minor importance to the vast majority of people, is of great importance to those who have an interest in the riverside, be it for leisure, sailing, shipping history, photography, angling or other pursuits. These are legitimate reasons to have access to the river, notwithstanding the fact that in an emergency a public landing is vital to bring an endangered person to shore.

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