Tuesday, September 27, 2005

J.S. Kirkpatrick

Redhead's landing and John Simpson Kirkpatrick

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I found this interesting and well researched piece on John Simpson Kirkpatrick (the man with the donkey) and thought that I might point readers, particularly our local politicians, to the following lines about his childhood;

He played in the environs of the Gutt leading to Tyne Dock. The "Gutt" was an inlet with stone paving sloping down into the water to facilitate coal-loading. It was a scene of constant activity between people, animals, goods and the water of the Tyne.

Whilst this does not in any way suggest or prove that Redhead's Landing was a Public Right of Way (which Council Officers repeatedly state it was not) it is another piece of historical and anecdotal evidence to prove that it was a place of common public access. It still surprises me that to have Redhead's Landing added to the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way, that I must prove that it has been subject to continued use by the public for a continuous period of twenty or more years.

For those not familiar with the riverside in South Shields, Redhead's Landing in Commercial Road has popularly been known as "the Gutt" for at least a century.

I am informed that the question of continued public access to the Landing (or further curtailment of it) will be considered by the Council's Cabinet in the very near future.

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