Tuesday, September 27, 2005

David Miliband

David Miliband MP

It is interesting, and a little bit amusing to note that our MP (and Cabinet Minister) David Miliband, was recently nominated by GQ Magazine in their Men of the Year Awards. He was nominated in the politician category which was won by Michael Howard. (Would that embarass you, knowing that Michael Howard has more style?) GQ is a men's "style" magazine, of more interest to those with silly money to burn on the latest fashions, gizmos, and gadgets and is not normally the first to come to mind for political content.

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What's even worse for our poor MP is the fact that in some quarters he is even seen as a celebrity - watch out for that invitation from the Richard and Judy Show David! He could be starting a new cult, in fact it must be happening already, someone wants him to supply his agent's details so we can all book personal appearances! (Click on the update Celebrity Contact Details button David.)
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I hope we aren't meant to take the young lady on the front of the magazine too literally!

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