Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Store Jobs Saved!

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Following Kingfisher's announcement that it was to accelerate the closure of 22 older B&Q outlets and downsize 16 of it's giant Warehouse format stores, it has emerged that the threat to jobs at it's South Shields branch has been lifted. The company has been undergoing a period of "negative growth" in sales which has resulted in a profits slump, prompting the move to reduce it's selling space by 7%.
After consultations with it's regional staff and the affected stores, workers in South Shields were relieved to learn that their store is safe from closure. Although it is one of the company's older premisies (it was bought from Dodge City in 1981) a decision has been taken to safeguard the jobs of about 50 staff in South Shields.
The DIY retailer's position has been to close older stores where the only local DIY competitor would be one of it's own other outlets, hence the decision to close the branch in Stamfordham Road, Newcastle, where there is a B&Q Warehouse in Scotswood Road, less than a mile away. If a decision had been made to close the South Shields branch, then customers would have likely changed there allegiances to Wickes on the opposite side of the road, a situation which B&Q did not wish to contemplate.

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In a year or so time this area of the town will be alive with retailing, Wickes, B&Q, Halfords, the Waterloo Square and Asda will be trading cheek by jowl, and this can only be good for the future of trade, competitive prices, and consumer choice.

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