![]() Friday, August 05, 2005Redhead's Landing
Redhead's Landing, gate still locked!
The wheels of the machine go round and round.................in a very slow grinding fashion. The Shields Gazette carries the story tonight describing in detail why the Council has decided to lock and secure Redhead's Landing in the interests of public safety. Most of the text in the report is taken verbatim from the series of emails between Neil Carter, Council Officers, Councillors, myself, and Scott Duffy (David Miliband's aide in Parliament). It's a shame that Angela Taggart, the Gazette reporter, had not seen my reply to Neil Carter (it's in a previous post Angela) where I question how flytippers could possibly be held responsible for the state of the landing, when it is almost permanently locked. That would have added a little more spice to her story, perhaps someone would like to work out how the flytippers managed to get a boat over the fence? Indeed, it would be challenging to find out if there has been a tide high enough to deposit a boat so near to the pedestrian gate, I can't remember any small tsunamis on Tyneside in recent years, there were no reports of deaths or destruction down there, however, the lads at Tyne Slipway did tell me a couple of weeks ago that they had found the bodies of a fox and a sheep on the landing, and that is why it was locked. Now where on earth, locally, did a sheep and a fox find access to the River Tyne? Sometimes you just don't have to question or probe too deeply to understand that someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. I wonder how Council Officers are getting on with the job of finding the owners of the site? They were first authorised to do this about ten years ago. If they have found the owners, following the decision to lock the pedestrian access gate on health and safety grounds, I wonder if a Dangerous Conditions Notice is going to be issued? I wonder, also, if anyone has set about discovering why planners originally insisted that this pedestrian gate be kept open at all times, and why, later, this Council found good enough reason to take enforcing action to ensure that this planning condition was adhered to? Why did they find it so important then, but not so "legitimate" now? I have a feeling that if someone delves deep enough they will find out who the owners are, because on 8th. April 1999 Chris Bradley, the former head of the Legal Services Dept. wrote to a resident using these words; "I would confirm that it was a condition of a planning permission issued by the Tyne & Wear Development Corporation on 15th January 1991 that the pedestrian gate at this site should remain unlocked at all times. The Council’s Director of Development Services will be writing to the new occupiers of this site in the near future regarding the possible breach of planning control." So the Council ought to have a record of this correspondence from the Director of Development Services, they just need to find it. At the end of the day, there are hundreds of local residents (and a few Council Officers) who recognise that the public has always had access to the river at Redhead's Landing, and that's how it should remain, it was recognised in the 80's and 90's when planning permission was granted for the erection of the gates, and it ought to be recognised now. I hope this post gives people something to chew over. |
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