Monday, August 22, 2005

Port of Tyne

Port of Tyne Authority

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My little quiz of the other day stirred up a fair bit of interest on the message board, with very few people being aware of the size and scale of the Port of Tyne's operations. It was originally constituted under the 1850 River Tyne Improvement Act, one of those pieces of legislation known as a "local act", the Tyne Improvement Commission was the forerunner of the present Port of Tyne Authority which operates as a "trust" port, having been saved from privatisation at the last minute in 1997. There are about 90 trust ports left in the U.K., most of which are fairly small, but the Port of Tyne is one of the largest.
The current Chairman is Sir Ian Wrigglesworth, the former Labour and Social Democrat MP.

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Undoubtedly there are very good reasons for the arrangements they have with local councils and the Valuation Office, and I am anxious to educate myself about them, I am awaiting further details from their Finance Director who will furnish me with a full breakdown of these historical arrangements next week. At least their local competitors (in a variety of fields including, warehousing, storage, lofistics, transport, and hauliage etc) will then be able to have a better understanding of the Port's charging policies.


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