Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Theft from Phab Club

I was less than impressed to read in the newspaper that heartless thieves had broken into the Phab (Physically Handicapped and Able-Bodied) Club in Grange Road, Jarrow. I tend only to post about event's in and about my hometown, or my football team, but cannot allow this sickening event to pass by. More than 800 youngsters use this facility and much is done to entertain, challenge, and educate them. Amongst the items stolen were a laptop computer, a camcorder, and four digital cameras. The cameras contained memory cards full of images, as did the laptop, these images constitute the memory of the club for many of these youngsters, who have difficulty in recalling there activities without reminders.

Unfortunately we read too often of break-ins at this type of establishment (and educational premises) where these type of items are targetted and stolen, perhaps the mind should be tuned into the possibility, and all reasonable security precautions ought to be taken. I would suggest that it might be a good policy for laptop users to take the machine home with them. This incident also reminds us of the need to back up data, not once, but at least twice! To prevent the loss of backed up data cd's it is worth keeping a separate back up in a second address, then if there is a fire, for instance, the second back ups ought to be safe.

As for those who carried out this despicable and mean crime, I hope they befall some severe accident that leaves them handicapped for the rest of their natural!!

(I can be quite mean when I set my mind to it)

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