![]() Monday, August 15, 2005Northumbrian Water
Northumbrian Water
I have decided that the time is right to tackle the ongoing problems associated with heavy rains and high tides which are always a contributing factor in the flooding that occurs at Tyne Dock and Ullswater Gardens on a regular basis. We can normally expect a period towards the end of summer and beginning of August each year when we will be dluged with heavy storms, so the unfortunate people in these areas will know what to expect. I find it almost incomprehensible that Northumbrian Water continues to drag it's feet on this matter, they are clearly responsible for our drainage, and, as far as I am aware, the system of drains that serves the area is outdated and far too small. I have sent the following mail to the company and will report as soon as I have a response from them; In recent years there have been a number of incidents of heavy flooding in the Tyne Dock and Ullswater Gardens areas of South Shields. These have primarily been at times of high tides during heavy rain storms, when the local drainage systems have been unable to cope with the demands placed upon them. This is not a new phenomenem, you will have documented many such floods over the past twenty years or more. The Tyne Dock public house, more commonly known as "Kennedy's" has sufferred inordinately over the years with a number of owners/licencees having to face heavy costs for cleaning up and reinstating equipment and fittings, along with residents in Armstrong Terrace, South Shields.I covered one of these events in my weblog, "Curly's Daily Comment" in June of this year, http://south-shields.blogspot.com/2005_06_01_south-shields_archive.html I would be grateful if you could read this article to reappraise yourselves of the situation. It has been reported that Northumbrian Water has an ongoing project to clean out silt in a 1.5 km stretch of drain that serves this area in an attempt to alleviate these problems. Can you confirm this? Can you confirm the diametre of the drain that serves this area, it has been reported to me that it is only 4 inches? Can you also confirm that the same network of drains also serves the area running from Harton Nook, South Shields (passing Ullswater Gardens) on it's way towards Tyne Dock? Can I ask when work can be expected to begin on clearing the silt from this network? Is it possible that Northumbrian Water may consider large scale investment to replace the drainage with a much larger system capable of coping with the demands placed upon it during heavier rainstorms, so that this flooding is less likely to occur? I have decided to take up this matter now before we face the normal run of heavy storms that we generally expect towards the end of summer and beginning of autumn, and will be featuring it in my blog. You may be interested to note that the Curly's Corner Shop group of websites has attracted over 380,000 hits in the past twelve months and that my comments are widely read, particularly by our local Councillors and Members of Parliament, I would be most grateful for a prompt response outlining your proposals for measures to end the dreadful flooding that regularly occurs in these areas. |
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