![]() Friday, August 19, 2005the Mail online | Mail - news, sport, showbiz, health and more | Rebellion grows over 'too easy' A-level exams
Exams are becoming too easy!
It seems that, according to some reports, A levels will become exams that are impossible to fail in ten years time. Todays statistics show another increase in the percentage of pupils achieving a pass rate, for the 23rd. year in a row, and yet the government and local councils still expect us to believe that the exams are not being dumbed down! Chris Woodhead, the former Inspector of Schools argues that the exams are indeed getting easier to pass, and that harder subjects are being rejected in favour of softer or easier subjects. We are in danger of defrauding our pupils over their conceptions about their own levels of knowledge, and by allowing a system that ensures ever higher pass rates, we will make it even harder for prospective employers or universities to differentiate between the "so called" brightest pupils. If everyone passes, how on earth is one to make a choice when trying to fill junior vacancies. I was asked to congratulate a part time member of staff who achieved three A grades in his results today, but I was only able to tell him that I was not too impressed considering the sharp rise in "A" passes, and the fact that an "E" grade is now also considered a pass. I said that if he'd taken the same exams as I did in 1975, he would have been lucky to achieve three "C" grades! I'm sure he took it in good humour, but others did not, and were quite disgusted at my suggestion; however, I know that the lad's spelling is quite attrocious, and it is beyond me how his exam papers, let alone his course work, got past the examiners. When one considers the debate that has raged over the last ten years, or so, about the lack of teachers, or the lack of teaching quality, it is almost impossible not to be sceptical about the claims that exam results must be expected to rise after the government's investment in education! Once again, we see in South Tyneside, people like Cllr. Jimmy Foreman putting a glossy "spin" on the results, what will we do Jim with all of the graduates in three years time? Get them a part-time job in a shop? |
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