Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Cleadon Park

Cleadon Park or Cleadon Vale

This new development at Cleadon Park, involving the demolition of part of Ashgrove Avenue is being built by Bellway Homes in partnership with Enterprise 5, a charitable housing organisation. The intention is to build affordable housing, some of which will be on a buy/rent basis, as well as to regenerate this rather economically depressed area. It ought to be an exciting period when those displaced can choose their new home.

However, I am already hearing concerns from former residents, particularly those who are working in lower paid jobs (aren't we all). It seems that the rent for a single persons home in the new development will be around 75 pounds per week (exclusive of water rates), for someone on a low wage this is a heavy slice of the weekly income. The great fear is that the majority of these type of properties may be occupied by the non waged, the rent being paid by the DHSS. If this proves to be the case, then one will fear for the condition of these properties in a few years time, as a few of those who contribute nothing tend to show little pride in the upkeep and visual decoration of the area, which then leads to a gradual deterioration in the whole scheme.
I sincerely hope that this proves not to be the case.
Please note, I am not making an attack upon the unwaged, or the people of Ashgrove Avenue, after all, I married a girl from there, but I'm sure you get my point!


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