Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Boris Johnson MP: Enlarging on the response to the London bombs

Boris Johnson MP: Enlarging on the response to the London bombs

It is only in rare moments that this blog migrates beyond the boundaries of South Shields or Sunderland Football Club, but I have long been a fan of Boris Johnson's comments, indeed from the period when he was writing for the Daily Telegraph before his election to the House of Commons.
His style is outspoken and witty at times, with a penchant for "shooting from the lip", but in this article from his blog he raises some fairly serious questions about being British and Islamic in our multi-cultural society. Sufficient serious questions to garner a rich harvest of comments, proving that his article is deeply thought provoking and engaging people in a healthy debate.
I have stayed clear of the atrocities committed in London, not wishing to become embroiled in the maelstrom of invective that was sure to follow, but, rather, like some of my readers, I have tried to contemplated why any young men would wish to destroy the early promise of their own lives, destroy the richness of their own family existence, and destroy the lives of so many other innocent souls at the same time.
Is Islam the highly factious religion that Boris suggests, or are Islamic young men and women so impressionable and malleable to the evil intents of murdering terrorists, who would never take the risk of carrying a suicide bomb themselves? Please note, I have never read of a so called "leader" in Al-Qaeda, or Hammas, or other such groupings to deliberately blow themselves to pieces.
I really ought to do a little more to understand Islam and read up on some Koranic texts, my understanding is simply too vague, your thoughts and comments are most welcome.


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