Monday, July 18, 2005

Ted Heath

Sir Edward Heath

I was saddened to learn of the death of former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath at the grand age of 89, I met him a few times when I was a member of the Conservative Party and always found him to be a gregarious and entertaining host who loved a laugh. I have a particulary fond memory of a weekend spent at the Peebles Hydro Hotel in Scotland for a conference of the Scottish Young Conservatives (I wonder if they still have such people in Scotland), when Ted recounted at dinner the advice given to him by the Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Mao Tse T'ung;
"Enjoy these occassions, meet with nice people, wine with nice people, dine with nice people, and sleep with.................a contended mind" :)

There are now only two surving British politicians who have served as Prime Minister, Baroness Thatcher and John Major


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