Friday, July 15, 2005

Tax Credits

Tax Credits Chaos!

I read recently that members of Parliament had described the Tax Credit System as being in a mess, with many needy people missing out on their credit, others being overpaid, and some having payments stopped when they could least manage without them. To working families with low incomes, the system was designed to be something like a "safety net" that would help families, such as mine, meet the normal financial demands of family life. Until today I thought the system was working fairly well for me, forms arrived in good time, and if they were promptly filled in and returned your tax credit would be fairly judged, allocated, and paid into your bank.
I sent my forms back some weeks ago, but today received five envelopes in the post from the Inland Revenue. I opened the smallest which told me that the application forms for 2005-6 were sent to me many weeks ago, and if they wren't returned by September of this year it would be likely that I would not receive any Tax Credits. (I had returned the said forms within two working days of their arrival here.) The next four envelopes were adressed as follows, two to me and two to my wife, and they were notifications of our Tax Credit Awards for 2004-5, and 2005-6!
Come on guys, if you have decided to award a small increase for 2005-6 then you surely must have received my completed application, it seems that some sub-departments are not effectively communicating with their colleagues!!


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