Thursday, July 28, 2005

Tall Ships

Tall Ships Sail from Shields

The party is over, the Tall Ships have sailed from the Tyne today in their race to Norway, many thousands of people lined both banks of the river, some of them, like myself, attended the fireworks display in Newcastle-Gateshead last night (police estimate that 500,000 turned out.)
In my two photography sessions, last night and this morning, I returned with almost 225 pictures, so I'm going to be busy for the next few days making corrections, alterations, and improvements to them.
I've opened a new page in my main site Curly's Corner Shop, a commemorative Tall Ships Gallery, which I shall leave in place until around Christmas time, it should help, in a small way, keeping South Shields on the map.
Here are a few little tasters of what is in the gallery, click on the thumbnails to enlarge


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Born in 1956
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Former Borough Councillor
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