Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Redhead's Landing

Redhead's Landing Locked, Council blamed!!

With only 22 hours to go before the Tall Ships start to leave the Tyne, I decided to visit Redhead's Landing to assess it's condition. I had received emails from Cllr. David Potts and David Miliband's office yesterday. Cllr. Potts sent me a note he had received from Kevin Vigars the Rights of Way and Access Development Officer for the Council , in which he states that
I have been led to believe that the party responsible for locking the gate has voluntarily agreed to unlock it, at least for the period of the Tall Ships Race. This is a voluntary agreement and so not enforceable by the Council at this present time if the responsible party changes their mind"

He also notes
Research is on-going into the enforceability of the planning condition. However, it should be noted that if the Council were to take any planning enforcement action to require the occupier to refrain from locking the gate, considerable criticism may be levelled at the Council from a health and safety point of view, given the significant public safety issues which have been brought to the Council's attention by the adjoining land owner (Tyne Slipway Engineering Ltd). They contend that this is the reason why the gates were locked".

Scott Duffy, David Miliband's Parliamentary aide writes

"Just to let you know that we are pressing for Redhead's Landing to be cleaned up, prior to the start of the ships race.
The area is in desperate need of clearing (especially just behind the gate) - we can't promise it will happen, but we are hoping."

On my visit an hour ago I found the pedestrian access gate to be locked with a heavy brass padlock, so I decided to make enquiries at the office of Tyne Slipway Engineering Ltd., the adjacent land owners. I spoke to the office manager who told me that the Council came along and locked the gate permanently yesterday because of health and safety issues. "It has nothing to do with us" he told me. He further went on to state that "someone had been down there the other day with a bulldozer and pushed piles of shit onto our slipway, so that we can't get boats up and down there" (verbatim). "I can't promise that the gates will be open for tomorrow, it's got nothing to do with us, you'll have to ring the Council to find out what's going on".
"I'm expecting loads of people knocking on this door tomorrow with the Tall Ships Race going on complaining that it's us who are locking the gate, well it's not us, it's the Council".

I am not happy with this explanation and I am now about to get in touch with some of our Councillors, and the Council's Chief Executive, to try and have this gate opened by tomorrow morning.


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