Monday, July 18, 2005

Redhead's Landing

Redhead's Landing...........(cont.)

I have just returned from a visit to Redhead's Landing in Commercial Road, South Shields and I am delighted to report that the pedestrian gate is wide open and the landing has once again been cleaned up. Access is easy and relatively safe, the booms that had been placed across the mouth of the landing by Tyne Slipway Engineering have been removed to their portion of the land.
I am about to visit the Central Library to continue my search through the old Council Minutes of the late 80's and early 90's to find reference to the planning decisions affecting the gates at Redhead's Landing. If any of our local politicians or journalists who read this blog can help me out with this quest, I would be very grateful if they could email me at, I am also interested in finding out if the public access condition attached to the planning approval was inserted because the landing was viewed as a public right of way, and if so, why is it not deemed to be a public right of way now? Was this an accidental ommission?


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