Thursday, July 14, 2005

Redhead's Landing

Redhead's Landing Research

I spend a profitable couple of hours at the local library yesterday evening researching Redhead's Landing, I was interested in the Council Minutes for the 1980's, a time when I was a member of South Tyneside Council. The Town Development Committe under the Chairmanship of former Councillor Gerry Graham was oft discussing the planning application taken to the Tyne Wear Development Corporation and passed back and forwards between the two bodies, before a decision was taken to grant permission for the erection of the gates; because time was restricted and the library was due to close at 7.00 p.m., I was unable to complete my investigations, I was looking for references to the term "Public Right of Way".
I will make a return trip tomorrow and Saturday morning to dig a little deeper.
The gates have been open now for five consecutive days.


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