Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hurricane Dennis

Missed a disaster?

Former South Shields woman Elaine H from Palm Harbour, Florida, has! We have heard quite a few stories of those locals who narrowly missed the mayhem caused by the mass murdering muslim terrorists in London last week, but one natural disaster which was overshadowed by this dreadful news was the arrival of hurricane Dennis on the Florida panhandle. Elaine is married with a family living in southern Florida and she knows all about hurricanes, having survived quite a few over the past few years, although Dennis battered her property, demolishing fences, and dumping inches of rain all around, she escaped it's worst destructive elements. However plenty of Americans were not so lucky, Elaine has sent me this link which is worth looking at just for the enormous picture gallery of resident's submitted photos. There is a picture in the top left hand corner, if you click on it a picture slide show opens up.


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