Saturday, June 25, 2005

Redhead's Landing

Redhead's Landing

I am indebted to Janis Blower of the Shields Gazette for providing me with news clippings about Redhead's Landing, they will form part of the attempt to apply to the Council to have the land added to the definitive map of Public Rights of Way. I have the appropriate forms from the Council and will shortly start approaching people for statements to support the application.

An article in the Shields Gazette on 22.03.89 describes how the Town Development Committee of the local Council decided against the closure of Redhead's Landing, following the submission of a petition by Mr. James Thompson, 69, of Oakland Avenue, Marsden.(I'm sure he used to teach me at the Grammar School.) Mr. Thompson had collected over 70 signatures of people protesting against the planned closure of the site, which he had visited since childhood. However, the Council did decide to restrict access to vehicles whilst still allowing pedestrian access. The decision was taken to erect a fence including an unlocked gate for pedestrians.

A further article on 02.06.95 is the first to point the finger at Tyne Slipway (or it's predecessor Tyne and Wear Marine Engineering) for being held responsible for locking the pedestrian gate.For a month the company had been flooded with complaints that it was locking the gate and preventing public access, but TWM Engineering Director Mr. Jeff Main said he thought he had found the culprit, a crab fisherman who locked the gate behind him to protect his motorcycle! Mr. Main said the company leaves the gate unlocked so the public can have "legal right of passage".

It is interesting to note that almost ten years later the successor company Tyne Slipway Engineering is now similarly being accused of locking the gate, periodically, to prevent access. Just as was said in 1995, the lower part of the slipway was always well maintained for use by the boatbuilders whilst the upper reach was allowed to be littered with debris to discourage public access.

No smoke without fire?


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