Wednesday, June 22, 2005

E Services

Rare praise from Curly!

It is not very often that I find things to shout about in praise of our Labour Council, but one has to be frank and honest at times and say well done! Why am I in such a mood? Well you only needed to see the mess around the town on Monday morning after the thunderstorms and floods.
There's no doubt that there was a fair amount of mess to clear up, sewage to remove, floodwater to pump away, roads, streets, and paths to repair etc. Yet, by Tuesday morning everything around town appeared to be just as it was 48 hours earlier.
I was particularly worried about a section of paving near to my house which the floodwaters had lifted and carried out of position, about two foot of subsoil had been washed away, leaving a gaping hole. Being concerned in case any pedestrians suffered an accident I decided to get in touch with the Council via E-services on their website.
I knew this route well because I'd been down it in the past, let me just say, it's worth registering and making use of, you will notice that there are a lot of areas covered, it would be difficult to think of a problem that might not be addressed by this method. However, I did not expect my enquiry to elicit a high priority response, but less than four hours later the job was underway! Just shows how much work those guys must have got through on the Monday morning! Well done fellas!!
I have to say that the navigation on the Council's website needs addressing, it's a big site and not that easy to find your way around, however, once you know where you are going, you can feel reasonably confident that the system will work for you!

No Justice

I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments expressed by the parents of Luke Noble who was killed by a speed boat whilst on holiday in the Carribean. The skipper of the boat who caused the deaths of two youngsters was found guilty of manslaughter, yet was only fined! This not what we understand to be justice!
Read the story here.


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Former Borough Councillor
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