Thursday, June 02, 2005

Curly's Corner Shop

New features in Curly's Corner Shop

Just thought I'd post a little note about a couple of new features in Curly's Corner Shop, my main website, which is used to promote all that is good about South Shields. Firstly, I have added a Bravenet Photogallery at the foot of the second column of the home page. This allows visitors to post photographs into a Visitors Album, I'd be keenly interested in your pictures of your home town, just to let us all know where you are from. My thanks go to Colinl in Albany, Western Australia for starting the ball rolling with a great picture of his Town Hall. Please feel free to have a look and post a picture.

Secondly, Curly's Photoshop is relatively new, I've started this Photoblog with the intention of passing on my experiences with digital photography, and to give some hints and tips on how to get to grips with worlds best image editing software Adobe Photoshop CS. You will also find some great links for Photoshop resources, add-ons, and plug-ins here. The link for Curly's Photoshop is near the top of the end column on the home page.


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Born in 1956
Sunderland fan
Former Borough Councillor
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south-shields AT
blueyonder DOT co DOT uk

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