Monday, May 23, 2005

Shopping Centre

New Shopping Centre

I still can't believe the news that I received the other day about BHS coming to South Shields, isn't it just amazing and exciting that such high quality retailers are coming to our new development in Waterloo Vale, we now know it will house Debenhams, Next, and BHS. I am expecting mail soon from BHS' marketing department with their comments about their first venture in South Shields, I'd also welcome some comments from Cllrs. Paul Waggot, Leader of the Council, and John Anglin, who heads the Town Centre Working Group, and our MP David Miliband. I have of course, out of courtesy, asked them all to contribute a little something to this blog.

My guess is they, too, already know that BHS is coming to town, I would have thought some congratulatory back slapping was in order, and I'm sure an official announcement can't be too far away.

The new centre is to hold four large retail units, so we now wait to find out who will occupy the one remaining unit. I feel sure that the developers, Henry Boot, will come up with another quality non-food outlet for the town.

This can only be great news for the town centre if it comes off because for to many years now the big chain stores have been leaving our town and it was in danger of becoming a ghost town with little option but to shop up the river at newcastle, so who knows ? this might kickstart the process of even more large firms into taking a look at what shields has to offer
You are dead right jimmywhizz, and I see from your post on the message board that you would like to see some money spent on TV advertising when the centre is opened. What agreat way to bring shoppers into South Shields for the Xmas period!
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